Saturday, September 20, 2008

city of mud

The Rainy-Muddy Kampala
It is a rainy session in Kampala and the surroundings. As I went to shop for my child who is returning to school, it rained as we were thick in downtown Kampala. The population was thick, and space was limited. Everyone, including the street sellers rushed to get themselves a dry spot.
The trouble was when it finished raining. In Kampala, when it is raining, even the car owners take cover in houses. It is after the rain that everyone who has been seeking refuge in the house jumps into the car. The result is obvious; dense traffic.
The drainage system on the roads of Kampala is as perfect as that of a swamp. The running-water and its entire luggage, man-made lake on the streets, and the muddy heaps suffering from the zillion trumping by the pedestrians all give a new cover to the roads.
The only relief is that the air is cleared of the smoky and eye-irritating fumes for a few hours.
On this fateful day, not all of us could get cover, some stood on the verandas looking on helplessly as the wetness of their attire increased.
Occasionally an inconsiderate being behind a wheel would sprint past in a dangerously mechanized car, give those standing on the shore a muddy splash. Curses and obscene descriptions of him, his family and entire clan would follow.
As you go downtown kampala on a rainy day, follow these hint:
Don’t wear white, black is preferred.
Open shoes are not recommended.
Practice some skipping skill as you will have to jump some lakes.
When your comrade-in-pedestrian steps on, don’t rumble.

Now I have to go back shopping for my kid –am a responsible parent.

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